Thursday 21 November 2013

Planning - Possible front cover photographs

These are some of my options for front cover photographs.
This first image, although suitable for introducing a new artist, I feel would look better as a double page spread rather than front cover image.
 This also a suitable image, although I'm not completely happy with the editing on this image. I used Photoshop to complete the editing, which is a software I have little experience with, although I don't think I did too bad for a first attempt.
The majority of these photo's will need re-editing, because I feel that I have over-edited them a little too much, including this one as the exposure is way to high and the contrast is way too low. However, by experimenting like this, i have better understanding of the Photoshop software. I particularly like this image because the artist is looking directly at the audience/ Reader, and the artist has a very open and welcoming face that would attract the reader.

 This is a good close up image of my artist, although I feel the lack of eye contact would not seem so appealing to the audience. I think this is a very professional looking photo for a first attempt at proper photography of a person. Again I have over- edited the image, so would have to redo.
I really like this image too, it is very visually interesting with an abstract edge to it with the reflection in the mirror. I had very little to edit on this picture as all the lighting and colouring were pretty accurate in the initial editing, I have just lightened the picture a little to brighten it up. However, I still don't feel it is front page worthy, and would be more successful as an album cover for example.

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