Monday 25 November 2013

Research - Q Magazine Analysis

  • Medium Long shot of Jake Bugg with his guitar – music signifier
  • ‘Sticker’ next to Jake – ‘His most revealing interview’- intrigues the reader, feel they are getting to know Jake better. Something special for this magazine
  • Gossip article – ‘dating models’/ ‘hanging with Noel’- find out something about another famous artist / ‘why he feels so guilty’- curiosity will entice the reader – may feel closer to him, because he’s telling the audience his guilty secret.
  • Names of artists in puffs are different colour to the rest of the text in the puff – makes it stand out more- but also keeps in with colour scheme.
  • Also contains list of other featured artists – multi-coloured to make it more eye catching.
  • Brown guitar stands out bold against Jake all in black. Black leather jacket also has connotations of rock and roll – signifier to genre of music.
  • Challenges codes and conventions- no eye contact with the reader- unusual, because he is revealing a lot to the reader – but won’t give eye contact/ connect – may suggest he is ashamed of his secret.
  • Section about Bob Dylan- a very famous artist also featured on the front cover – not as important as Jake Bugg – main feature, but more important than the other artists mentioned on the front page – so highlighted in yellow with black writing – looks like police tape
  • ‘Special!’ again encourages the reader to buy the magazine – feel they are benefitting from buying it.
  • Conventional ‘Q’ logo – signifier to the magazine- music genre they cover – people who buy Q know what they cover. Bright red stands out against the rest of the colour scheme.
  • ‘Jake Bugg’ written in an odd font- irregular – could be a signifier to Jake’s music genre- could entice the reader because they think he might be a little bit odd. – Lettering placed over his body so white contrasts with his black clothing.
  • Puffs contain the oddest points of the feature to intrigue the reader – ‘talk burning rats, bum tattoos...’ - Reader more likely to enjoy if there is a bit of comedy included- appeal to more people.

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